Turkey condemns Somalia shopping mall attack


MOGADISHU, Somalia – Turkey has condemned deaths of suicide car bomb attack on shopping mall in Somali capital Mogadishu.

The explosion went off after a bomber driving a car laden with explosives blew himself up at Mogadishu shopping mall, killing at least 11 people, mostly civilians.

Turkey’s foreign ministry shared its solidarity with Somalia and its people after Monday’s car bomb explosion, said in a statement.

“We have strongly condemned the terror attack on the mall. This is callous and cowardly attack which killed civilians”, the statement said.

Monday’s explosion was claimed by Al Shabaab.

The group says it has killed several senior police officers in the bomb attack.

The Al Qaeda linked Al Shabaab has been fighting for more than ten years to topple the weak-western backed government of Somalia.

The group also lost key towns in south and central Somalia to Somali army forces backed by African Union troops, after joint military operations.