NUSOJ Obtains Court Order Prohibiting Misuse of its Trademark


The Regional Court of Hamburg, Germany, issued an injunction prohibiting Mr. Mohamed Ibrahim Nur “Moalimuu” from using the trademarked name “NUSOJ” immediately.

The court held that should Mr. Ibrahim further infringe the NUSOJ’s trademark without the consent of the legitimate Secretary General of the organization, Mr. Omar Faruk Osman, he will be subjected to a financial penalty of up to 250,000 Euros and up to two years imprisonment. Legal enforcement has already been embarked upon.

According to Article 36 of the Regulation of the European Union (EU) No. 1215/2012, under the mutual recognition of judgments of European Union member States, the judgment of the Regional Court of Hamburg is recognized in all other 27 Member States of the European Union without any special procedure being required.

Anyone who, knowing of the decision of the Regional Court of Hamburg, aids or abets Mr. Ibrahim in any further unlawful actions and deals with him as the alleged Secretary General of the National Union of Somali Journalists, which constitutes a fraudulent act as confirmed by court of law, may be subjected to enforcement action in the European courts.

This court order is a serious blow to those who have been impelling this illegal, unethical, embarrassing and fraudulent act of identity theft and impersonation.

NUSOJ expresses profound appreciations to its sister journalists’ unions and trade union federations for the support and solidarity. The union is proud of its members who live in several EU countries for helping institute 3 legal actions, two of them remaining to be determined.