The mayor of Mogadishu opened the self-reliance program for helping the IDP’s


H.E. Abdirahman Omar Osman (Eng. Yarisow) the Governor of Benadir and Mayor of Mogadishu, opening the self-reliance program intended to alleviate the difficulties the IDP’s are faced with, congratulated the population of the region on how they are supporting the vulnerable.

The Governor pointed out that, self-reliance and the populations’ cooperation are the foundations of the plans to solve the problems the IDP’s living in Benadir, as it necessary that the administration and population unite for it.

“We all agree, the Governor said, the imperativeness of the fact that, we must support our IDP’s and relieve them from the extremely difficult circumstances our IDP’s are living under, however, this relieve will never materialize if solely rely on handouts from the International community.

It is imperative that we unite our capability in order to create decent living conditions for our brothers and sisters.

Eng. Yarisow stated that more than five hundred thousand IDP persons are living within the Benadir region, and that they depend on day-to-day small jobs for their daily life, however, they face severe difficulty in performing these jobs while fasting during the Holy month of Ramadan.

“Charity is encouraged by our holy religion, therefore, it is very important that we all participate in securing food for braking fasting to the thousands of IDP’s who are fasting to perform their religious Ramadan obligations, and that improves the feeling of brotherhood with our vulnerable.”

The Governor pointed out that, special attention will be given the coming four years to prepare resettlement with complete public services for the IDP’s, while at the same time calling the population to play an important role in finding proper solutions for the IDP’s, and that is because the IDP’s can play an important role in the future strengthening of the economy and development of the Region